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Register for free to use Orca

Use Orca's dynamic investment pipeline overlay to select, view, and manage funds in your investment pipeline. Track any timing changes and never miss deadlines.

Orca makes it easy for Limited Partners to stay up to date and discover GPs and funds, even as the number of investments, GPs, strategies and governance requirements increase.

Orca is fee for LPs.


Register to upload your funds

Orca effortlessly increases your discoverability to LPs globally by sharing high-level information on the platform allowing LPs to find and contact you directly.

Use Orca’s secure and compliant platform to facilitate your inbound lead generation by allowing LPs to proactively find and contact you, and turbocharge your fundraising.

Contact us for a quote.


Contact us to manage funds

Orca extends your market reach, ensuring that LPs proactively can engage with you and the GPs and Funds you represent.

Use Orca to ensure compliance with marketing rules and use data help manage and drive the fundraise for your clients.

Orca is free for Placement Agents.

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How it works

Building a comprehensive Private Markets platform that increases transparency, efficiency, and better investment decisions.

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Our vision and team

Building a comprehensive Private Markets platform that increases transparency, efficiency, and better investment decisions.

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